Last night for Relief Society we did a service auction. How we did our service auction was that for every act of service you did, that was on a questionnaire list, you received points. Then with those points you could auction on different services others were offering. Such as babysitting, gardening, family history help, homemade caramels (that is what I won), and etc. It turned out to be a great activity!
For my service I made homemade cinnamon burst bread and pulled out of the freezer one of our many raspberry jams I made this winter. I wrapped the bread with some twine and a tag – made with love.
For the raspberry jam I placed a similar tag in between the mason jar lid and the ring. Labeling the jam so that the winner of the item knew it was raspberry.I have attached both tag files below so that you can make your own cute matching combo for a neighbor or friend. The tags only take a minute to print and tie on to the bread/jam, yet it gives that little added detail to show that you took extra care to make it special for them.
Made With Love Tag. . .
Homemade {Raspberry} Jam Tag. . .