Sunday night is game night at our house. Don’t get me wrong we play games together all week, but my boys know that when Sunday night rolls around they can count on choosing any games that they want to play together as a family. Most of the time they choose hide and go seek. What 4 year old and 2 year old don’t love to hide from mom and dad?
For Halloween we gave out glow sticks. I bought 200 expecting a lot of children. Well being new to this neighborhood, we didn’t realize that hardly anyone trick-or-treats around here. We had 12 kids. So we now have glow sticks to play with, to say the least.
On Sunday, the boys chose hide and go seek, yet again, for game night. I decided to pull out a “few” of our glow sticks to make it more fun.
Game Supplies:
- 4 Glow Sticks per person, 3 to make a necklace and 1 for a bracelet. (Buy on Amazon: Glow Sticks
- 4 Connectors, found in glow stick container
- Floor Lamp
Distribute 1 necklace and 1 bracelet to everyone playing.
We turned out all the lights in the house, except for a floor lamp in the main room. This was the room in which the seeker would sit and count for us to go hide.
We gave our 7 month old a chain of rings to sit and play with in the main, lamp lit room as we ran in and out hiding and being found. Note: These are NOT a chew toy! He laughed and cooed as he watched all of us run and hide while he swung around his neon toy.
I have to admit my husband and I had just as much, or more, fun with this game as the kids. Since we were glowing, it was easier for the kids to find who was hidden and it made hiding more of a challenge for us. I have to give this family game night two thumbs up! We have already played it again this week.
After the boys were all done playing, we took all the glow sticks and connected them in a long chain of rings for them to play with in the dark. This was almost as much fun as the hide and seek game for the boys.
I hope you enjoy this game as much as we did!
This is a great idea.