Mama Moose

Love Wins

I can’t believe Valentine’s in only 2 weeks away! I love when valentines comes each year, mainly because it means I have made it through the month of January. 😉 (I really don’t like the month of January!) Here is an adorable Valentine manicure I did on my mom this week . . .

Note: I will be providing instructions on how to achieve this look with plain polish, along with Gel Polish.

Step 1: Prep Nails

View my post on Nail Polish Prep.


Step 2: Paint Nails

Paint the nails, except the ring fingers, with two coats of pink polish. I used the Shellac color called, Hot Pink Pop. Paint the ring fingernails with two coats of white polish. I used the Shellac color called, Cream Puff.

Gel Polish: Apply two coats of polish and cure in light (curing after each coat). Cure 2 minutes in the UV light, or 1 minute in an LED light.


Step 3: Valentine Tic-Tac-Toe

On the ring fingernails, paint four thin black lines into a hashtag shape. Then paint “X” in all the squares, leaving three diagonal squares empty. Now with pink paint, do three hearts in the empty spaces. I have provided a video below on how to create this look.

This is how to paint a heart when doing nail art.


Step 4: Apply Final Top Coat

Now apply your top coat. Make sure the paint is completely dry before adding top coat to help avoid smearing.

Gel Polish: Apply top coat, only after paint is completely dry. Cure in UV light for 2 minutes, or 1 minute with an LED light.


Step 5: Allow to Dry and Apply Cuticle Oil

Allow your polish to dry completely. Apply a cuticle oil just around your nails on the cuticle and rub into the skin.

Gel Polish: Remove sticky residue on top of nails with a little alcohol or polish remover and apply cuticle oil.Remove gel polish after 2-3 weeks, check out Gel Polish Removal for the quickest, easiest and best way to remove gels.

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