Mama Moose

Garage Sale Scooter

I love a good garage sale. I turn into a crazy! My husband usually escorts me to garage sales because I know I need some kind of  support group so I don’t buy everything that is for sale. I can see the potential project in almost everything that is being sold.

Last weekend our neighbors put on a garage sale, due to the fact that they are moving this week. I bought a few items, but thanks to my “support group” I didn’t turn into my crazy buy-everything-that-has-potential self. I did purchase this beautiful purple Razor electric scooter. It was only $50! I mean these are selling for over $400 right now.

The only problem was that it was purple and I have 5 boys. I told my husband I really thought we should buy it for the boys. He looked at me with that “don’t be crazy” look and simply said, “it’s purple”.

I assured him I was going to change how it looked and we should get it. I am so lucky to have a husband that trusts me. He lovingly loaded it into the back of the pickup and we headed home.

After I told the boys my plan for the bike they were ESTATIC! They eagarly helped me wash it so we would have a nice clean surface to apply paint to.

I pulled out the painters tape and began taping off all the white. Once the edges were taped off well, I taped plastic over all the center areas with white.

*Note: I used plastic food wrap. I guess this plastic is made to “breathe” so I would recommend not using it. I will show you the result below. 

I used this spray paint and did 3 coats over 2 days. I wanted to make sure each coat was fully dry. I also ended up removing the “light” which is actually just a plastic dome with a reflective sticker underneath. I grabbed a cheap paint prush and painted a little of the spray paint everywhere purple was visible.

Now remove the tape and plastic. You will see everywhere I had food plastic wrap it kind of seeped through … weird! So I grabbed a magic eraser and was able to get all the black off the white.

Now really this scooter looked awesome just plain black, but you know me. I just had to add a little something special. We pulled out the vinyl cutter and cut some police decals, a police badge for the front, a customized license plate that my boys came up with (HBPD – Hill Boys Police Department). Every police motorcycle needs an american flag. So I also cut that from three colors of vinyl.

Download my ZIP file below for the PDF and SVG files for all the vinyl templates that I created.

It turned out just as amazing as we were hoping. My boys have been up before the sun the last 3 days just to get out early to start enjoying this fun scooter for the entire day.

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