Mama Moose

Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy

I can’t believe my little Tim turned one this weekend. Timothy is our youngest. He is our happy and content child. He loves to sit back with a smile on his face while watching everything that is going on – which is quite a bit when you consider he has two older brothers and a great dane running around the house. Tim is in the discovery stage and is always watching for someone to forget to close the bathroom door or leave a childproof lock off a cupboard. He is very loved by his brothers.Birthday BoyTim is unlike most one year olds. He has had three teeth come in like most babies by 12 months, but not in the normal order. We call him our little vampire. He had one of his bottom teeth come in, but then his two eye teeth came in next. It’ now been about 3 weeks and his “vampire” teeth are become more pronounced, without any other teeth coming in.

We kept his birthday simple. We did a few small gifts, ate cake and then just played together as a family. Nothing special, but just right for a one year old. For Tim’s birthday cake I decided to do the King Arthur elegant white cake with cream cheese frosting. I made two 9 inch cakes and then layered them. After frosting them I pressed heath toffee bits around the edge. It was some thing easy and fast. I am not the best at writing with an icing tip so I chose to do a classic looking cake. The candy pieces added just the right amount of elegance and crunch to the cake. It was DELICIOUS!

Check back tomorrow for the recipe. . .

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