Mama Moose

“Beary” Good Friend

Beary Good Friend
This year for my oldest, who is in Preschool, he wanted to give everyone some gummy bears for valentines. He loves gummy bears! So I looked on Pinterest and found this cute saying, but I didn’t so much love all the hearts on the printable, considering he is a boy. So I came up with a printable that could work for either boys or girls. It’s bright, fun and the colors match the gummy bears exactly. Perfect.
Beary Good Friend 005
Here is what we did . . .

First, gather all your supplies:

  • Gummy Bears (we used 25-35 per person)
  • Snack Size Baggies
  • Printable
  • Stapler

We went to Winco and bought 3-1/2 pounds of gummy bears in the bulk section.

Note: It ended up costing $4.91, which filled 18 bags with 35 bears a piece. Thus costing only 27 cents a valentine.

We then filled each baggie with 35 bears. (We thought anywhere from 25-35 bears made the bag look sufficiently filled.)

Now, download and print off the printable below and fill in the names.

This is what the free printable download will look like.

Lastly, fold the “valentine” in half and staple to the baggie. Perfect. Now wasn’t that easy and very inexpensive?!? Enjoy!

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